
The Wedding Ceremony

After moving from our offices to Okazaki shrine, the bride and groom prepare in the waiting room. Here they receive final instructions on what happens during the ceremony, through an interpreter. It's an exciting time but a good chance for Peter and Amy to catch their breaths before the ceremony.

Kyoto Weddingsのお支度場所から岡崎神社へ移動されたAmy様とPeter様はまずお控え室にて挙式のご説明をうけられました。もちろん!Kyoto Weddingsのスタッフがアテンドと通訳をさせて頂くので日本語がわからないいお二人も安心して説明をうけられました。

Here Peter and Amy share an intimate moment before the main event. The waiting is also decorated with some Japanese antiques, making for another photo chapter to add to the day. When the time came, we left in a slow procession toward the main hall, lead by the shrine attendants and priest, followed by the bridal couple and family members. The cherry blossoms in full bloom greeted us along the way.

On-lookers at the shrine were heard shouting, "Omedeto!" (congratulations!). The ceremony itself lasted about 30 minutes and the Kyoto Weddings staff were there to translate everything to make sure everyone was comfortable. The ceremony involves a purification rite by the priest, a ritual exchanging of sake, and a proclamation of marriage vows. When everything finished, it was time for photos in front of the shrine.


Ringing the shrine bell and making a wish. 鐘をならして♬参拝♬
 In front of the blooming cherry blossoms. 満開の桜の前にて

Together with Kyoto Weddings staff. スタッフとともに♬

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